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Psychotherapy for trauma

CSRT is comprised of a private psychotherapy practice and a powerlifting gym under one roof. I have specialized working with combat  trauma for the past 11 years. In the past three years I have evolved into also integrating powerlifting/strength and conditioning into a functional fitness modality with my two business partners.

What this means to you is that if and when you decide to do psychothearpy here at CSRT you will also have access to the gym we have built at Raw Performance. Your gym membership is included at no extra cost. Since some days you need to talk about it, some days you need to leave it on the gym floor, either way we are here for you when you are ready.

So let's get it.


Therapy for PTSD begins...


-With anyone coming in, there is an assessment of the current life crisis, what brought you in?

-what made you email or call to set up the appointment?

-what drove you get out of your car and walk into the office?

Within this entire beginning process you should ask yourself...

Am I ready to change what is not working?

If your answer is yes, lets go!

Internal dialogue ...

"I know I have to change, I am ready to hire the person that knows what they are doing and is going to do their best to help me, I am committed to make this change, this is what hiring this person means to me. I am committed to putting in the work of going to therapy, because I have been through worse, I have seen worse, and I have survived, I want to work on what is going on." 


CSRT is individual, long-term therapy for Combat Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Sessions work toward an understanding the events that were experienced. â€‹â€‹


​Treatment can help give you control and let you understand that the symptoms of PTSD are a normal and healthy reaction to combat.


Evidenced-Based Treatments for PTSD include:

  • Exposure and Desensitization 

  • Somatically-Based Therapies

  • Cognitive Processing Therapy (12 sessions)

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) 

  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Inquiries are welcomed. Please allow at least 24 hours for a response.

PROFESSIONAL FEES: Based on what is determined between both parties.


Payments can be made through this link:

No insurance is accepted at this time.


Please note that a grant program has been established and funded by who have specifically designed a t-shirt in which 100% of profits go to CSRT - Combat Stress Reaction Treatment

1 shirt sold = 1 therapy session for a Warrior working through PTSD


If you feel that this grant applies to you please email me to get started. 


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CSRT - Combat Stress Reaction Treatment

Project Resilience 

Project Resilience is a marriage between the traditional mental health talking on the couch therapy with fitness. Combat Veterans who have PTSD, TBI, anxiety, depression, sleep issues the entire gambit of symptoms make up this group. Each Veteran is required to attend two individual therapy sessions a month with a Clinical Psychologist at Raw Performance and workout in a group setting twice a week with well trained and educated Strength and Conditioning Coaches.


The group workouts are done with other service members, it is not an open group. The workouts are tailored to injuries, amputations and surgeries that the Veteran comes in with. The group is capped at 8 Veterans at this time. 


This is not a 6 week or 12 week fitness program.

We are here for you until you are done, the therapy will be available until you feel that you are ready to stop. The coaches will work with you to get you back to a higher quality of life and will stay to maintain the levels of fitness and with the reduction of chronic pain as long as you put in the work.


This program is run at a reduction in cost for our service members as the goal of this program is to help Veterans reintegrate and transition.


The cost of the program is partially covered by sponsorships, donations and the time and dedication that Raw Performance provides.  However there is still a fee of $250 each Veteran is responsible for at this time.


Please email, call or DM's us for more information and to confirm group space is available. 

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